Contact a Wills and Estates Lawyer.

Our role as your lawyer is to provide you with independent professional advice on how best to structure your will to ensure that your estate is properly managed and distributed.

We will work with you to gain an understanding of your personal and financial circumstances in order to make sure that adequate provision is made for those left behind. Having one of our lawyers assist you in preparing or revising your will to suit your individual needs will afford both you and your family peace of mind.

When should I update my Will?

As your personal and financial circumstances change, you should take the opportunity to review and revise your will. We recommend that you revisit your will at least every five years or when a significant personal events such as the birth of a child, a relationship breakdown, or the death of a family member takes place.

Even if you choose not to revise your will, certain personal events and changes, such as marriage or divorce, may affect your will without your knowledge and your will could even be rendered invalid.

We can assist you to review your current will and ensure it affords you and your family adequate protection and security.

Resources & FAQs

Answers to common questions in
relation to the expertise.

Why Should I Make a Will?

When considering the future and the inevitable matter of one’s own passing, the importance of making a will cannot be understated. Not only does it ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, but it also alleviates potential disputes amongst loved ones.

What You Need to Know Before Creating a Will

Creating a will is a fundamental step in managing your estate and ensuring that your wishes are honoured after your passing. This article aims to equip you with the essential knowledge required to create a will that accurately reflects your intentions.

Different Types of Wills: Choosing the Right One for Your Needs

When thinking about the future, preparing a will is a crucial step in ensuring your wishes are honoured. In Australia, there are several types of wills, each catering to different needs and circumstances. Understanding these differences is vital in choosing the right will for your situation.