Family law tools and resources to help you

Department of Human Services online estimator

An assessment of periodic child support is made by DHS after either parent makes an application. To make a calculation, DHS applies a formula that takes into account the care arrangements for the child/ren and the income of each parent. DHS then notifies each parent of the amount they are entitled to receive or are required to pay.

Try the online estimator to gauge the likely assessment.

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Our online assessment tool can help our lawyers provide proactive advice to you about your specific situation. It’s completely free and confidential.

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Resources & FAQs

Answers to common questions in
relation to the expertise.

Circumstances where the Family Court may decide that a child spend no time at all with a parent

It is rare that a court will order no contact between a parent and child, however greater weight will be placed on the need to protect a child from physical or psychological harm, over having a meaningful relationship with both parents.

Is Your Marriage Void?

The definition of marriage in Australia has been a topic of significant debate of late, with recent changes to the law same sex couples to legally marry.

Court authorisation no longer required for young transgendered people to obtain treatment for Gender Dysphoria

A Gender Dysphoria diagnosis involves a conflict between a person’s physical gender and the gender with which they identify. This can cause a person distress including anxiety, depression and self-harm.