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Property Disputes Involving Siblings – An Incredible Case of Betrayal

This case study explores a property dispute between siblings, whose previously strong relationship turned sour following numerous breaches of trust, including the unknowing removal of directorship from a company, the sale of property and misappropriation of funds.

Video: A close look at domestic building contracts disputes

In this short video, Rachael McKendrick looks at domestic building contracts and how disputes arise during or after they have concluded.

Video: Contesting a will – A simple summary of the process & what you need to know

In this short video, Rachael McKendrick discusses the process by which wills can be contested.

Shareholders and directors’ rights to access books and records of the company (Part 2)

In Australia, directors’ have the right to access the company’s books and records for the board they serve on. This right is governed by the various provisions in the Corporations Act and the company’s constitution.

Shareholders and directors’ rights to access books and records of the company (Part 1)

As a shareholder of a company, if you discover the company conducting suspicious transactions or suspect mismanagement of the company, you would certainly want to inspect the company’s financial information to clear your doubts and ascertain the facts.

Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002

Both head contractors (or “principals”) and sub-contractors should be astutely aware of their rights and obligations under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 (the SOP Act)

Video: Disputes in Property Development

In this short video, Principal Lu Cheng discusses the options available to investors in a dispute with a property developer.

New law on sunset clauses in off-the-plan contracts

The Sale of Land Amendment Bill 2018 (Bill) was introduced on 21 August 2018 proposing to amend the operation of sunset clauses in off-the-plan contracts by amending the Sale of Land Act 1962 (Vic) (Act).

Limitations on VCAT’s jurisdiction: Interstate disputes excluded

In the recent decision of Burns v Corbett [2018] HCA 15, the High Court decided that state tribunals such as the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) do not have jurisdiction to determine matters which involve residents who reside in different states.

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