Ali Besiroglu

Principal Lawyer.

A relentless dedication to his clients.

Ali has spent 10 years helping people fight criminal charges, claiming compensation against the State of Victoria, and representing families in Coronial Inquests.

There is no doubt that this work is Ali's calling.

He has particular expertise in cases involving people who have died in Victoria Police or Corrections custody or during attempts at arresting individuals.

He has significant court advocacy experience and has appeared in every Magistrates' Court across metropolitan and regional Victoria, as well as the County Court. He has instructed in criminal and civil trials in the Victorian County and Supreme Courts, including appeals in the Court of Appeal.

Significant experience working with Aboriginal communities.

Ali was heavily involved in the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS). He commenced at VALS as a policy officer while studying law and then worked his way up to a senior solicitor role over the next six years.

There is no question that Ali is passionate about social justice and has a deep commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Watch Ali on 60 Minutes Australia discussing the coronial findings into Veronica Nelson’s preventable death in custody with our client, Aunty Donna Nelson. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the program contains images and voices of deceased persons.

Social justice drives him.

Ali grew up in Collingwood amongst the most marginalised members of our community. He wears his life experiences as a badge of honour, which keeps him grounded and fuels his purpose to advocate for the voiceless.

After finishing high school, he studied a Legal and Disputes Studies degree at RMIT. It’s his academic achievements at RMIT which resulted in his lecturers encouraging him to study law.

Ali then completed a Bachelor of Laws at Monash University in 2012.

Ali is fluent in Turkish.

Recent Case Highlights

Coronial Inquests

  • Inquest Into the Death of Veronica Nelson (2022 – current) – Ali represented the mother of Veronica Nelson after she died in a prison cell at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre after making repeated pleas for help. The Coroner is currently considering the findings.
  • Inquest Into the Death of Gabriel Messo (2022 – current) – Ali represented the family of Gabriel Messo who was shot by police after repeated requests for mental health treatment by his family. The State Coroner is currently considering the findings.
  • Inquest Into the Death of Daniel Richards (6 December 2021) – Ali represented the family of Danny Richards who died in an altercation with Victoria Police after the Crisis and Assessment Team (CAT) were called to assist in transporting Danny to a mental health facility.
  • Inquest Into the Death of Kylie Cay (25 May 2021) – Ali represented the family of Kylie Cay who died after Ambulance Victoria refused to dispatch an ambulance to her home notwithstanding her pleas for help.
  • Inquest Into the Death of Vlado Micetic (2020 - current) – Ali represented the family of Vlado Micetic who was fatally shot by Victoria Police Officer Timothy Baker. Victoria Police Officer Timothy Baker was charged for murdering Vlado Micetic and acquitted by a jury in the Supreme Court. Ali represented the family of Vlado Micetic in the Coroners Court in 2020 after the Supreme Court trial. The Coroner is currently considering the findings.
  • Bourke Street Inquest (19 November 2020) – Ali represented a whistle-blower Victoria Police officer, former Sergeant Frank Caridi who gave critical evidence about the conduct of police in the days leading up to the Bourke Street massacre which resulted in 6 deaths. It was Victoria’s largest Inquest in 2019/2020.
  • Inquest Into the Death of Hizir Ferman (5 July 2019) – Death in custody matter where Coroner deemed ‘death may have been prevented’.

Police Litigation

  • Cruse v State of Victoria [2019] VSC 574 (27 August 2019) – Assault/battery matter where Supreme Court Justice deemed police conduct as a ‘shocking departure from the standards set for police officers by Parliament and expected of them by the community’.


  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
  • Bachelor of Social Studies (Legal and
    Dispute Studies)


  • Board Member of Eastern Community Legal Centre
  • Steering Committee Member of Dhadjowa Foundation

More from Ali.

Analysis of Runacres v The Coroners Court of Victoria [2024] VSC 304

In a significant Supreme Court of Victoria decision on 11 June 2024, Justice Quigley dismissed an appeal brought by Dr. Sean Runacres against the findings of Coroner Simon McGregor. The case centred around the tragic death in custody of Veronica Marie Nelson.
Learn more

Inquest into the passing of Joshua Kerr

On 10 August 2022, 32-year-old Aboriginal man Joshua Kerr was found dead in his cell at Port Phillip Prison. Aunty Donnis Kerr received the distressing news that her son's body bore extensive bruising, indicative of a harrowing ordeal that involved prolonged rolling on the floor leading up to his tragic demise.
Learn more